Wednesday, March 7, 2018

March Goals + February Goals Update

So I really messed up in February. I completely didn't get to do most of my goals. Life just caught me up and I just didn't get to most of them.

Update on Mini-Goals for February:
  1. Finish setting up the house - Done for the most part. Still need to organize but we've covered the major sections. I still need to get to some boxes in the garage but we're there for the most part. 
  2. Walk 30 miles in February  - Didn't get to this at all. 
  3. One post a week on the blog - Didn't get to this at all. 
  4. Create a facebook page for my blog - Didn't get to this at all. 
  5. Read one age-appropriate book to AGirl - Read Super Why! "The Princess and the Pea" to AGirl. 
  6. Read 5 books to A2Girl - Tried to read a few books to her but she just wouldn't let me. She loves reading "Sleep baby sleep" book over and over again.
  7. Create budget for February and stick to it - Really messed on this one because we had some unexpected expenses come up. 
  8. Read 2 books I already own - Didn't get to this at all
Update on Habits for February:
  1. Drink 8 glasses of water every day - Didn't get to this at all
  2. Shine my sink every day (not necessarily at night but clear it out at least once in a day) - I have been loading the dishwasher every day but not necessarily shining my sink. So still working on this habit

Mini-Goals for March:
  1. Walk 30 miles in February
  2. One post a week on the blog
  3. Create a facebook page for my blog
  4. Read one age-appropriate book to AGirl
  5. Read 5 books to A2Girl
  6. Read 2 books I already own
  7. Substitute a smoothie for breakfast 4 times this month (once a week)
  8. Organize and get the guest room ready for long-term guests
  9. Start a 529 plan for A2Girl 
Habits for March:
  1. Drink 8 glasses of water every day
  2. Shine my sink every day (actually shine the sink)
  3. Exercise 15 mins every day (walk, yoga, anything)

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